PUBLISH Alliance, a blockchain media consortium spearheaded by PUBLISH, is pleased to welcome its first cohort of members that will participate in a closed beta of PUBLISH link, an API enabling news media organizations and journalists to manage a token economy and distribute token rewards to their readers.
PUBLISH announced the closed beta at the beginning of the month and is expected to continue through to the end of the year.
Media members comprise a handful of international news media outlets such as The Korea Herald, Investing.com, Al Bawaba and EconoTimes, along with over a dozen Korean media outlets.
These include Pressian (프레시안), inews24 (아이뉴스24), The Fact (더팩트), Bloter (블로터), Media Today (미디어오늘), Metro (메트로신문), Mediapen (미디어펜), Dailyan (데일리안), News Prime (프라임경제), Ilyo (일요신문), Green Post Korea (그린포스트코리아), News Penguin (뉴스펭귄), and Safe Times (세이프타임즈).
Association members comprise the Korea Internet Newspaper Association and the Journalists Association of Korea, the largest journalists association with over 11,000 individual journalist members.
Solution partners comprise NDSOFT (엔디소프트), CCMediaService (씨씨미디어서비스), BFTTech (BTF테크), and LINCRUX.
Other members include Kangsong Culture and Art Foundation (간송미술문화재단), YFUND (와이펀드), and Pacific Banking System (퍼시픽뱅킹시스템).
Thomas Kim, General Director of PUBLISHalliance, said, “DID technology will bring more transparency to the media industry and help readers distinguish fact from fiction.”
PUBLISH CEO Sonny Kwon added that “as the media landscape continues to evolve, news media companies will have no choice but to look to blockchain technology as a way of remaining relevant.”