PUBLISH is pleased to announce that TokenPost now uses PUBLISH link as its R2E (read-to-earn) solution.
Available as an easy-to-integrate widget, PUBLISH link allows news media companies to reward their readers in Luniverse-based NEWS token for completing certain actions such as reading and sharing articles.
Readers with a PUBLISH iD account are able to earn rewards from any media company using PUBLISH link as its R2E solution. At the time of writing, these include the Korean-language news publications TokenPost (토큰포스트), CBC News (CBC뉴스), News Prime (프라임경제), and WIKITREE (위키트리).
NEWS can be withdrawn to any cryptocurrency wallet, including any exchange-linked wallet, that supports Luniverse-based NEWS tokens. At the time of writing, these include PUBLISH wallet and PUBLISH iD, a blockchain-based self-sovereign identity solution with an integrated NEWS token wallet.
Alternatively, holders can donate NEWS token to any media outlet using PUBLISH link.